Start Collecting

Many times businesses are not paid because customers are not reminded. Track all the invoices and setup auto reminders easily with Inwisely!

Ready to reduce DSO?


Connect your accounting tool and setup the workflow to match your tone.


Create invoice in your accounting tool.


The Workflow gets executed and automates follow up on your behalf. In case of a payment promise on future date, Mark capture the promise, Workflow will take care.


When paid, Mark the payment. Inwisely updates the connected tool.

Easy Integration

What ever your existing accounting tool is, we integrate with it.

Great Tracking

Gives a Kanban board view of statuses of each invoice and worklfow

Flexible workflow

Create a customer specific workflow for each customer category

Multiple languages & Currency

Generate email content using AI in different languages and send email with confidence

Our Integrations

We have Integrated with most of the popular tools

Our satisfied clients

We are in good company.

Ready to empower your journey of transforming Finance team?

Gift the AI powered tools to your Finance tool to Lift the burden of mundane tasks. Make your existing AR team 3X more productive!